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Jackson Peak

Today we hiked up Jackson Peak.  It's in the Gros Ventre Wilderness and has AMAZING views of the Tetons.  The hike only took us 4 hours round trip and was a fun first hike for me and my knee.  Sallie, Gabby, Katherine and Zach came with us today and having friends around made the knee ache not hurt as much.  We faced some snow but nothing steep and the hike down wasn't as treacherous on my knees as I had thought. (maybe i'm healed)  About halfway from the parking lot to the top of the peak is a small lake called Goodwin Lake.  It is so beautiful and we are definitely planning on camping up there soon!

In other news, I'm starting a new online shop for all the clothes I have been making. Once the page is all set up and ready to go, there will be a link on our blog to redirect you to the shop.

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