The weather in Jackson is changing. Its cold, the yellow leaves are falling off the trees and its been raining constantly. Well, snowing on top of the mountains. We decided to go to City of Rocks one last time to enjoy the fun easy climbing and amazing camping. Seriously the coolest camping spots we have come across yet.
We will be road tripping, beginning next week, from Jackson>Devil's Tower>The Needles>Minnesota>Indiana>The Red River Gorge>Asheville>South Carolina. I hope my little Mazda makes it.
In City of Rocks, there are MASSIVE boulders/walls. And there are A LOT of them. A LOT. We favor Bath Rock, which is where we camped next to, Elephant Rock, Parking Lot Rock, Stienfell's Dome, and Morning Glory Spire.
We had an amazing time, but the trip in ended in some drama as our parents could not get in touch with us. That's another story, that I am a little to embarrassed to share.
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